About This Site

I strive to help parents like me discover all of the blessings that come with homeschooling their children. If you’re looking for guidance, support, tips, resources and all things homeschooling, you are in the right place!

About Me

Welcome to Lead Learn Love!

Hi! I’m Kyanne.

Here’s what you can expect from me. I have a passion for all things homeschooling. I love to talk about it with anyone interested. Whether you are toying with the idea, still in early years, or have been at it for a while, we all ultimately have the same goal, which is to give our children a good education and shape their future to fit who they are meant to be versus what the world encourages them to be. My primary focus is to provide support, tips, guidance and resources that have helped me over the years and that I am still learning every day. I understand that every homeschooling family is different and it works best when you are doing what’s best for YOUR family. I hope I can help in any small part of that. The bottom line is, that you aren’t alone in this!

Happy Homeschooling!


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