Our Homeschool Journey: Why and how it began.

Each family has a unique journey in choosing homeschooling. The reasons for this decision may vary, but the ultimate goal remains consistent: to provide our children with a bright future filled with endless opportunities, instill important values and aspirations in them, and cherish precious moments spent together as a family.

Our homeschool journey began in 2018. Our son was entering kindergarten, and our daughter was starting third grade. While we had previously discussed homeschooling as an option, this time we collectively agreed it was the best choice to pursue. The school where my children were enrolled was experiencing significant administrative changes. Additionally, all of my daughter’s friends were attending different schools, leaving us with many uncertainties and worries. After numerous discussions, prayers, and thorough research, we decided that this was the right call for our family.

After withdrawing them and registering them as homeschoolers, my planning mode kicked into full gear. I checked out every book I could find on homeschooling from our local library, read blog posts, connected with other homeschooling families on social media, and tried to learn as much as possible to prepare us for this journey. I familiarized myself with the various styles of homeschooling, researched our state requirements, explored virtual schools, and reviewed different curriculum options. You name it; I wanted to learn about it.

Our first year of homeschooling was a significant learning experience for all of us. I knew that regardless of how things went, we would complete the first year, assess how it went, and then decide if it was worth continuing. So often these days, after over six years in, I see families “trying” homeschooling for a few weeks before deciding it’s not working. In my opinion, that is not nearly enough time to adjust to this new way of learning and living life. I wholeheartedly believe that it can take significantly more time to figure out what works best for you and your family.

Our first year was a mix of excitement, tears (both from me and the kids), trying new curriculums, activities, etc. I had to learn HOW my children learned best so that I could teach them effectively. That takes time. We experimented with various schedules and routines; even now they still change from time to time as my children grow older. Homeschooling is all about adjusting and adapting as your children advance through grades. You have to be willing to be flexible and open-minded to explore new things.

If you had asked me back then why we chose to homeschool, I probably would have told you that we simply thought it was the best decision for our family. If you were to ask me that same question today, my answer is because I know it is. I am able to witness firsthand how each of my children learn and grow. I have the opportunity to teach them about topics that may not be covered in a traditional school setting. We can dive into subjects that interest us, preparing them for their future goals. We can learn at our own pace, rather than being dictated by their peers’ pace. We are able to focus more on areas that need improvement and take breaks when necessary.

I want my children to acquire life skills beyond what is taught in conventional schooling, equipping them for life’s challenges rather than just tests. Learning extends far beyond the basic subjects typically taught in schools.

Our days are spent learning and reading together, exploring new topics, languages, and places. We have the opportunity for incredible discussions, debates, and discovery. We work together as a family more than ever before. I can’t even begin to tell you the level of maturity, responsibility, and respect that has grown since we started homeschooling. The bond between my kids has grown incredibly strong over these years as well, which is such a blessing in itself.

We only get today once. I want to spend it with my children, creating memories and moments that they will carry with them their entire lives—not just on birthdays, vacations, and holidays when we would have to plan to spend time together. I want to spend it with them NOW. They are and always will be my WHY.

If you are considering homeschooling and you are unsure of what steps are needed to get started, let me remind you that you ARE capable of teaching your children, you’ve been doing it since they were born. If you need some help with where to begin, I’ve created a Getting Started with Homeschool Guide that can help you navigate those first steps. <3

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